
My build reports are generally technical in nature, but some of them contain references, tips and tricks, or details experiences with some aspect of a project that others may find helpful. I’ve also written some more comprehensive, independent pages and posts on some topics. Here’s a collection of posts which I think have a particularly high concentration of technical information.

Stuff I’ve Written

My Instructables member page contains some guides on how to build things.

  • How to Build your Everything Really Really Fast: a comprehensive(ish) guide to building robust structures and mechanisms, geared those with some mechanical engineering experience, or largely theoretical experience. It’s presented in a “tactics of battle” format and contains little theory.
  • ChibiKart – step by step construction of the Democratic People’s Republic of Chibikart.
  • Electric Scooter Power Systems: As of 2014, just a bit outdated, but it is still a primer on using brushless model and R/C parts, as well as dedicated small EV parts, on your silly rideable device.

My “2.00gokart” EV design class materials, largerly written by myself, are below It is a fairly comprehensive collection of notes on all steps of the design process of a small electric vehicle, from parts selection to vocabulary to building techniques. The course was taught using HTBYERRF as a “textbook” reference.

  • Summer 2014 version: ZIP file contains weekly “Milestone” check-in and requirements for an 8 week short summer program and a 13 week typical academic semester program. Contains all lecture notes and other reference material to which I hold sole rights.

Useful Posts

These particular posts are heavy on design or technical content.

CAD Files and Downloadables

Here’s some of the parts I’ve digitized for projects. My preferred mechanical software is Autodesk Inventor (.ipt and .iam), but most of these have been genericized as much as possible. Board files are provided as raw Eagle files and Gerber 274X with Excellon type drill file.

Entire Assemblies



Boards and Circuits

Boards are here exclusively for reference – they may not work as-is, and may in fact require a few wire hacks and trace cuts here and there. Reading the build post is recommended.


  • Landbearshark simple running code with the Beast-it-trollers .pde
  • Melontroller 2 .pde
  • TinyTroller v1 with current control .pde
  • Tinycopter v1 .pde, v2 .ino
  • RageBridge Simple R/C driving .ino
  • RageBridge current limited mode .ino

Van Paraphernalia

Manuals and Readables, for when I get stranded on the side of the road somewhere.