Oh hey, Makerbot!

They have a new thing!

This means I can just buy it, wall it off, and point a hair dryer into it, right!?

As for The Next 3D Printer, I’ve been slow in finishing up the model because of a self-imposed lack of funding. I never like putting myself in debt working on personal projects, and have decided to take the month of IAP off to remove some of the “DC average” on my credit card built up from fall projects. There’s still about $200 in linear motion hardware, $100 in metal stock, and $400 to 200 in either MK4 or RAMPS control system (depending on which route I choose… oh yeah, not finishing the CAD until I know where the electronics are going is another factor).

In lieu of pursuing new things given that constraint, I’m probably going to keep trying to get tinycopter flying and when it finally snows some day (seriously?) I can finish working on the board controller for landbearshark. Otherwise, 2.007 work will also keep me entertained.

5 thoughts on “Oh hey, Makerbot!”

  1. And the Ultimaker is still far better and cheaper…
    Right now it is without a doubt the best printer available. It prints the fastest, with the highest quality, the quietest, the largest, and it is in a moderate price range.

  2. Have a look at linistepper motor controllers, way cheaper than that stuff makerbot uses but you need to run mach3 or similar program. If you are thinking of going this way check out

    Im using linisteppers for my 3d printer build along with a commercial PID controller for the extruder

  3. kind of funny in combination with http://www.ospid.com/blog/ when you say commercial PID controller…

    give me a uc (micro controller) over a PID controller anyday!
    (if that there is a PID library for said uc)

    I’m a programmer though so preferences my vary, did learn quite a bit about PID controllers in school though so there’s that.

    though i’d prefer the sw on a uc because you can tweak it if it’s wrong you can understand it by looking at the implementation etc.
    and like PLC’s and such the interface for programming a PID controller always seems clumsy and also like PLCs i always wonder how they can take up so much space(and cost) with basically an uc and some in/outputs + some specific software…
    (lcd screens and buttons aswell i suppose)

    but perhaps I’ve never done it right or maybe that’s just the old crap we had at school…

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